Monday, 19 September 2016

a makoti poem: eyes to the ground with chicken all around

Beautiful Traditional dress
with even a towel wrapped around
inside to keep the womb warm
for the new bride..!
Once upon a traditional Xhosa household wedding time,
The moment for the village hero’s new bride had come to shine.
With the morning sun she dawned on her navy apron attire,
Scrubbing pots to prepare, she just might have begun to sweetly perspire.
In great numbers did the dear family arrive,
To Queen Mama’s freshly painted and spruced up hive.
To catch a glimpse of just what this Makoti could achieve,
Included aunties sneaking in impressive tricks up her sleeve.
She spooned sugars and measured milks to the top
Not one of her guests left hungry to find bread at the shop.
A new name was her reward, Lulo is she now referred,
Meaning “One who has brought hope,” to this new families herd.
Welcomes from uncles, blessings from aunties,
She was being knit deeply into this land of shanties.
Mrs Lulo Mani indeed is much richer than any pre paid loan,
Her new family has accepted her as one of their very bone.
Though understanding  another’s way can leave one feeling strangely squeezed,
Bowing and silence for custom’s sake have their rightful place to appease.
Indeed she has learnt that honor comes in all shapes of wild potatoes,
Unto Jesus she chooses to wash all colorful feet, yellow red or green as tomatoes

Now if you don’t really have a clue what I’m going on about here in my rhymes, please let me offer you some explanation pronto!
My family of great honor
Within the wedding year, every new Xhosa bride (called a Makoti) has a separate tea ceremony in the families home as an expression of honor and welcoming her in her place in the family. She is given the privilege to serve the family and in this way she is shown to be worthy of knowing the family intimately enough to do things as they do them. To be given an opportunity to submit to the family traditions is a the way the family shows complete acceptance of the bride into the deep fabric of what makes them who they are. As she serves, the family is demonstrating to her they trust themselves into her hands to care for them and the family as she would her own. What greater sign of honor could this be?
Chicken party in the corner
on my mat with Lalam
Of course myself coming from a different view showing honor to guests by serving them, until I fully allowed this ceremony to digest into my understanding, this day was honestly very difficult for me. But there is the difference, I no longer am seen as a guest in their household, a very pale one at that. I was being told through my capable service to each one, without so many words, I am of them. I am worthy to bear their name, and to be fully honored as such into the entire community, with each dish of chicken prepared just the way they like it. As I placed pap into their hands, they were placing full faith and confidence into mine.  
Preparations for the life I was born for
As a woman, a new wife and even as a missionary, this is one of the most meaningful moments of my life. Considering all the painful racial history exchanged between black and white, the degrading view of women around the world and the constant damage done by well-meaning missionaries, the potential threat to miss this significant moment of restoration was great. It was a highly emotional day for me with stabbing thoughts of being controlled and demeaned, and without any space for the usual extravert nature that I carry. But as I’ve allowed space and time for myself and Jesus to reflect, indeed he has lead me on paths of gold, carrying great treasures and a crown of grace. I look down now to see my hands full of reason for dignity, not dishonor. I was born for this.
Surfs up on the most freeeezing winter day 
I was then honored yet again…with the arrival of my dear friend Darlene the following evening on a jet plane from Canada! Darlene!  Four years after making the promise that once she was able, I would be seeing her face in South Africa and there she was shining upon arrival in the international terminal! For ten days we surfed like the best of them, scrabbled our brains with English words I still doubt exist, and explored this beautiful land and people. There is nothing like physically holding someone’s hand when they say “I am here for you.”

3 Scrabble brains coming up with geniusnessz
Visiting Mama for Sunday biscuits and  a cuppa tea
As well to have Mawande and this dear friend from old bible school days get to meet and have worlds collide, this exchange was such a gift to me. Darlene’s conclusions about my new hubby at the end of it all were, “Ha he’s a funny guy! Keep Him!” And so I shall! More exchanges to come…71 days until we visit Canada but who’s counting?!
Finally, I must mention one last incredible work of our Father, Source of all lavish Love! In unending prayer for another best friend of mine in Malawi, for those of you whom remember Claudia, I have been asking Jesus for the chance to see her again. She has been enduring through desperate times in her home land, and I just have had this ache to see her for the last few years since she left Capetown.
Well, it so happens, I hear “500” in prayer one day last month, make my request to see Claudia, and the next day, I kid you no kids, there is a $500 donation in my account from none other than Auntie GRACE and Uncle Tim! I let them know what I felt the Lord had supplied this money for to check with them if it was ok, and with their blessing boarded a plane a few weeks later to hold the hands of my beloved sister!! The money was exactly the amount for a flight for me and a bus ticket for Claudia to meet together in an in between country of the beautiful desert of Namibia!
Let the giggles and photo shoots commence
We spent one week together I will never forget. A friend of mine here in Capetown asked a friend of hers if we could stay with them, and both Claudia and I can never remember being so spoiled in our lives by these strangers now, new family! It was like staying at the Father’s abundant house itself!

The Queen and the sea exchange their kind regards 
While we just laughed and cried and prayed, this beautiful family always had our places set at the table with them, ready to encourage and feed and be home for us in which ever way they could. Undisputable, all out acts of love God indeed showed us, never to be forgotten.  When discouragement, fear and doubt come a knockin’ the next time whispering that the Perfect Father doesn’t actually hear my prayers…Ive got a whole photo album of a flooding storehouse of photos and memories and miracles to throw them in the face!
Inseparable Sisters no matter the mile
Claudia said to me the last morning, “Before I came, I really felt my hope slipping far away from me, now, experiencing all of this, I feel like I’ve come alive again!” Just tell me we don’t have the best Dad ever?!
My prayer is that you be finding Him to be doing the same for you,
“…making open rivers on the bare heights,
…making the wilderness a pool,
…and the dry land springs of water…
Isaiah 41:18

My favorite preacher for the month of September

Blessed is the One who gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might, He increases strength (causing it to multiply and making it to abound..Isaiah 40:29).
All glory to Jesus Christ, The Messiah

Charlene Mani

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

He has Fast in his blood afterall, but dont worry Ive still got all his Mani

Its Confirmed...can you see that twinkly eye?
With a shiney new drivers license in hand, Mawande has undoubtedly got some of my Pa's genes in his need to speed veins!

Whether to grab a jug of milk, a stick of chocolate or just another view of the spotted dog statue on the corner, this husband of mine is out the door before i can say dark with hazelnuts! Watch out Main Street Steinbach cruisers, November is drawing nigh! And let me tell you, his number one passenger is now the official lady of leisure, chair tilted as low as a sunset, I've officially retired to the happiest passenger at last!

We have enjoyed a great last couple months, slowing putting away our summer t's for some long wholly socks which seem to constantly go missing around the Mani household. The beauty of spouses that have the same shoe size!

Ive had my 31st bday! I simply cant believe the brilliant life Ive been blessed to live up to now and to think its only going from glory to glory..with all the guts and gore in between of course! I love getting older, knowing Jesus more, loving him more and in turn, loving myself more. Ive never felt more comfortable to be and accept the rough edges that show my weaknesses as much as those pretty ones that are easy to see so strong and thriving.
Loving myself feels really good. I  never could have dreamt I would have been able to be the one write that just a couple years ago. But...for the grace of God. There's really just no other possibility. Receiving his love for me deeper and deeper, thats the secret. The sunny Cape Town skies the limit from there as to how much I can love me and love all of these treasures or people around me. Simple. 
As i mentioned the chilly season is upon us, which also means the the rain, the horizontal knee soaking matter how high those boots get! Thus our mother's day gift for our beautiful South African mama was some new sheeting on her roof. A couple neighbors and Mawande's uncle came out to help for the day. Oh and of course our wee nephew Lalam decided it just could be done without him as well! Up he was passed to help his uncle get the real work done from a birds eye view, with a lot of hesitation from this Auntie Charlene who had her auntie eye's on all the live wire crossing just above him as you can see. Lets just say, you know how we get all in a fuss when all the Christmas mini lights go out if one does...try a couple thousand houses all on one power grid?! 
I was attempting to cook a little chicken lunch inside, but had to put it on hold as the tin bends in so deep when it is walked upon  in certain spots, my head was nearly 'walked on' a few times. Now thats a real headache waiting to happen?!
At the very end of April our church was finally able to showcase their concert that has been in the works for the last 6 months. Practicing every Sunday after church, after singing for a good two hours in church nonetheless, these brothers and sisters of ours have ridiculous raw talent making us so incredibly proud. We had the 'cheekache' for the following day as we could not have been prouder of our family. Let alone their phenomenal soul awakening voices, just to know the stories of transformation in each one of their lives, from hopeless to limitless hope, left us singing those songs for days afterwards. "You are the Piller that holds my life" was one of the refrains that kept rippling on and on through the week.  From classic "Sisteract" burgundy gowns and solemn candles flickering to Florescent jump-suite costume changes dancing up a fire, the name of Jesus resounded in our community declaring Love is truly alive! What a day of individual victory and as a church. "So get up off of that chair and dance 'til you feel better"! 

 And to finish off this fine few months, June 8th was officially the day we were legally married in the court house here. Yes 6 months before we were actually married, but required for visa processing. So Mawande surprised me with a one night mountain flower farm forest retreat!
We literally left the noise behind and soaked up nothing but sunshine with the next cabin a five minute drive away! Solitude. Pear orchard. Proteas dotting the entire mountain side and with the occasional tractor trucking along, we were just whistling our favorite countryside songs! With Mawande being a pyro at heart, we had fires roaring day and night in our little cottage, oatmeal and hot dogs for 2 days. Could it get better? Contentment.
 The Oma and Opa that owned this mountainside property also
 grew up here.
We had the pleasure of meeting them for a few minutes, people of great peace who love the Lord and his creation and love to share it. Can we all be them when we grow up?
May that same peace of mountain fresh Living Water revive every bank of your heart as you steep yourself deeper into his depth less grace.

The Manis love you and each other...but for the grace of God...

Friday, 1 April 2016

not one lonely corner

Im so glad my nephews loves to share!
Paska samples thanks to the wonderful Marie Eve!

So.....Pickled fish is back!

Its an ever popular Easter treat over here, folks put down their fried chicken feet and enjoy a seaside delicacy this time of year. Just send me your address, Ill post some first thing over to you in the morning...extra pickling time on the ship over...mmmm!
But in case you prefer yours fried, just ask Jesus, he's a breakfast fish fry top chef Himself! (John 21:9).

Our Lord, has risen Indeed! 
That never gets old does it?
I mean really...instead of the word death being our enemy, being what we preserve ourselves from in every way possible every day to the point of obsession...thanks to the Resurrection, the day we call it will be in that moment we will come truly alive!

For the first time we will know who we really royally are and who our King Father is.
There is not one lonely corner in heaven with our Papa around, not one cold night of the soul on our own.
Perfect infant peace within ourselves and others, perfect love from the Source Himself to heal age old wounds of betrayal and every kind of abuse.
There will never be one dream ever again to go unfulfilled. Not ever another  life cut short.
All desperation and self hatred disintegrated in our Father's arms.
Oh the tears of joy will relentlessly flow, this life full of destruction and brokenness is really finished, its really over. And we will really make it.
Children will come running out!
We will really stand there and face one another with our mouths wide open in astonishment untold. "Its true, the story is true, and we win" we will shout in ecstasy.
Now that is Glory to glory.
Oh death where is your sting?

Want to hear another fantastic story? A tiny bit less epic but..its my life!
Last week I bounced 3 feet back off the face of a glass door that was shut, when I ran into it with all my might, thinking it was infact open...oh glory be indeed! One sore toe remains.
And for the first time when a preacher asked at church for all the single people to raise their hand, I didnt. Which was so fun, we are still totally married, and totally in lovey dovey life.
Totally also bought a bbq and feel really Canadian with our Sunday afternoon lunch burger feast,
My Malawian sister now studying at Providence College in
Canada becoming sisters with my sisters!
anyone coming next Sunday?
Im really trying to take my cousin Melissa's advise at this point. I told her I was struggling knowing what to all write this time around, she just told me, "If it were me it would be 5 bullet points and done, none of your flowery poetry fluff..." So here is a shout out to her, is this point formy enough for you Melis?!
Easter was spent as usual at our church 4 days and overnight sleep overs straight, of firey preaching, heavenly prayer's flying, netball tournaments, popcorn and The Passion and feasting non-stop! Apparently my husband and I are getting old and boring and went home for nights, totally turning 31 in a few weeks!
And a few more fancy stories of fun!
Betty's " Im Alive" lunch the next day!
1. A few weeks ago, I found my dear friend Betty passed out on her apartment floor upon arrival with her roommates having no idea what to do but to call me. And I of course had no idea but have a car so off we took her to the hospital, Betty in and out of consciousness, unable to speak, writhing in pain for the following 6 hours. The strongest pain medications were dispensed and she came to, said she didn't want to stay at the hospital for night, and back home we came, not know what the night would look like to follow. Turns out I went to go check on her first thing in the morning, passed by some girls chatting and laughing away on the steps, turn back to see its her! Having many people war with us in prayer in that 12 hours, where Betty later told me over a celebration "you're alive" lunch, for that entire time all she could see were two black figures in the distance fighting and she thought she knew her life was over.
But...that same Resurrection power that raised Christ from the dead, I also believe was put into action through the prayers of the saints and Im overwhelmed with his goodness in Betty's life.

Lounge/Dining room
2. I haven't posted any photos of our beautiful home yet, so please enjoy them as much as we enjoy it. The day we moved in here we ask the Holy Ghost to reside with all of his greenery peace here, and so he has. There isnt one person who has yet walked in here to not comment how peaceful this home is. Its a little granny flat they call them, a tiny home on another persons yard, that gets rented out if family members arent using it. So not only did we score this

Dining room/kitchen of joy

The master bedroom with Auntie Shelia's quilted handiwork

Our garden of peace and breakfasts of joy
small haven, on the most stunning yard with gardens and a pool and Tiki huts...we have been given another South African Oma and Opa as our landlords as well! Married for 40 years, this incredible couple who love the Lord, have opened their property and their hearts to us. We have had times of prayer together, sharing baked goods back and forth, and recieved invitations to their family events as they really take us to be their adopted children! The line up was long in front of us to apply for this house, but the moment we all met, they said all the other people no longer are runners, they had been praying for just the right people, and knew it was us!

3. "Im living the life I always dreamt of"was the thought that kept going through my mind a few weeks ago coming home from a counseling session. I've always longed for this opportunity to be hands on in training and ministering like this full time, and its happening! I get all sweaty and nervous before meeting new people that have just been through some form of trauma, as entering into people's spaces in this deep place of pain is a holy ground. With fear and trembling I tread this place that is such a prevelege to walk at these defining moments of our lives. Indeed Jesus greatest moment of victory came out of these "tomb" experiences, when it seemed injustice was the only winner left to speak, it was silenced by the impending hand of our infinitely wiser God to finally be exposed and roll that stone away. I am seeing more fruit in these peoples lives who are willing to walk me through their own caves and see if we can find some light down there together after all.

4. And of course Mawande continues to lavish love on the community he works in with Hope Africa Collective and see hearts and hands and sight healed in Jesus name. You just cant really have a better work report then that to hand in to your wife at day's end. He just finished leading a teen spring break week at thier base, where they had these kids hit the streets with the fiery love of Jesus and sent them back to school with all sorts of new ideas and testimony of how real Jesus is and what he can do if we believe! What a keenly active Jesus we have roaming the streets of Capetown, just waiting to be asked for a hand.

5. And finally first married camping trip in Feburary happened=floating bread in melted cooler box...the real Canadian smore...and no baboon sightings to report..just lots of bunnies? We both couldnt believe we were finally able to do this, how grown up we felt, just two married vagabonds roaming around a coastal hippy town called Kommetjie.

6. We have officially started hosting a church small group which really fills a huge need we have to just sit with fellow friends and find honest conversations and support and prayer.  The group happens to just be a few married couples which really is such a blessing of being understood and heard as we learn about this marriage business from all the experts! Really, I found myself sharing things I normally wouldn't last week because obviously I needed this outlet, and feel it is a safe place for me to also receive care and counsel.

Easter Mani family gathering

Easter Fast family gathering
And that is a wrap! We are starting to look at plane tickets to come home for about 6 weeks this coming Christmas...really couldn't be any more excited about that! We will need to spend time raising support and also raising our ice cream in take levels for night snack with my dad! So let the snow that I've heard the last flake has melted!

Love (being) Charlene Mani

Monday, 18 January 2016

Mrs Mani...Mrs Mani...Mrs Mani...

To give you an idea of my current state of wellness...Afro-Latin Dance Party 2000 is jammin' in the background, pretty wedding cards are flitting around in the afternoon summer wind blowing through my kitchen window, and my first angel food cake in memory of November 28th is starting to make a poofy move in my oven as I begin to tap these keys and tell you just how fantastic Mrs Mani really is!

Now go ahead and role your eyes that are sure all Charlene is seeing are crossed eyed honey moon stars...but I really didn't know marriage was this wonderful, so very delighted that I had no idea what I was signing up for in this sense! Covenanting myself with my very best companion is the greatest experience of my life. Knowing that our Heavenly Father has Himself covenanted to us, promising his faithfulness to this from start to finish is the most liberating and completely safe place I have ever found my heart in. 
Im home.
Backtracking to The Day, indeed I could do it over again and again, so see you next Saturday, same place and time?! It was the most exhilarating day of joy in my life! I ate, sang, danced, laughed and looked as beautiful as I could! And let me tell you, that bridegroom must have cracked at least nine camera lenses at the same time! Wowza he looked good! Mawande and I both said it was by far the best wedding we had ever been to, no bias opinion I'm sure right?
We washed each other's feet squeaky clean, ate some croissants with red grape juice and signed our lives away to love each other as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us. There is nothing else we could base those vows on that would stand unshaken through every circumstance coming our way, we couldnt be more grateful and hopeful about this fact. That's how everyone's wedding day should be to them I imagine, a day of greatest victory! Satan's disappointed, God approved and Mawande is getting married was one of the theme song and dances that reverberated through out by our Xhosa family. They danced

the day" hot hot" from the moment they piled out of the taxivan! Even Mawande's Tata (grandfather) couldn't stay seated and struck a move every chance he could, bow tie and walking stick in full action from morning to night!
With the cultural history of the past still reeling in so many broken relationships and disillusionment about the purpose of marriage, our day truly was a sign of the impossible made possible. Jesus made flesh. This diverse relationship growing healthy and whole and holy on earth as it is in heaven against all odds. "So get up off of that chair and dance til you feel better!" Hope Lives!

German chocolate covered strawberries, popcorn stuffed cheetah paper bags, boughs of lavender, hand cut wooden proteas and a million doilys strung through the shade of tall oaks above, the church inside and out in the private ceremony garden was stunning. With the help of the most generous friends and family and the use of their beautiful hands for many hours, an atmosphere of pure praise was created, inviting the peaceful Spirit of God to breeze through freely and greet each guest as they came and went again. Each one carried home a tummy filled with the most delicious Xhosa home-cooked full course dinner, Canadian angel food cake, and an inside glimpse of what beautiful ways Jesus is uniting this nation and his church as one. Now that's a pretty good wedding favor to bring home for the kids I'd say?!
So as the candles were lit and the sun bid us good night, Louis Armstrong showed up for our first dance to "what a wonderful world" and before we knew it we kissed a few people goodbye and were whisked away for a two week honey moon to begin at last! We were abundantly blessed by amazing friends of ours whom offered us their holiday home in Durban, a tropical coastal city on the other side of South Africa. When we weren't really sure if we could do much of a honey moon at all beyond a few days, we were then lavished with this most incredible gift and loved every last dreamy minute of it! We are so sure Jesus must really love marriage as we look back as see his provision in every last square inch of this beautiful experience...true and faithful Love is the very flame of God...what does this all really mean? (Song of Songs).
We were completely honored by each of you that came in person, and each that came in pajamas (for those overseas who watched a live broadcast in the wee hours!) so much of what we are and who we are has been shaped and loved deeply by you. Thank you for making us important to you! Thank you for investing into us joining together, please keep us in your prayers from here on in, don't stop now as the fun has just begun!

We also wanted to let you know that, as with most newly weds our financial needs have increased, and as we are both full time volunteers, an increase in salary can only come from outside support. So if you want to consider partnering with us monthly with monetary donations, listed below are my tax receipted banking details.
Bless you abundantly more.
We cant wait to uncover all sorts of revival, family ministries, miracles and face to face encounters with Jesus in this adventure together he has planned for us, and will need you all the more to partner with us. So dont touch the dial! Be in this with us as we pray we can be in this with you, and the glorious dreams he has in store for you and your families!
So back to it, work is calling, holidays are over, but with a little bit of honey moon phase intentionally dripping in the backround, lets just see what he will do next. Lets just see how great his plan for marriage really can be. Lets just taste and see and marvel at how good our God is!
Celebrate one another! Celebrate Him! Celebrate being Alive! Celebrate every perfect gift he has given us! Celebrate Love!

Halalalala!!!! Inene!!!!!

Walk by faith and not by sight in everything!

For a tax reciept use the following procedure:

If you are using a cheque, write your check out to YWAM, and on a separate note write my name and account code number FC11 attached for it to be specified into my account.
Mail your check to

Project Funding Office
Po Box 57100 RPO East Hastings
Vancouver, BC
V5K 5G6
If you want to make a one time, or monthly donation online, please go to, putting in my YWAM Project Funding Information as Charlene Fast, FC11 in the space provided to specify the donation towards my personal account.
If you require further help with the donation or just to verify it has gone through into my account, don’t hesitate to email, where the project staff will gladly help with any questions you may have.

Thank you!!!!

Love Charlene Mani