Monday, 5 November 2012

Heres to Missionary Surfing

My friends!

Yes you read correctly, Ive been dreaming and schemeing of finding a way to get my feet as close to walking on water as possible and at long last...with a few additional bruises, a few blows to the pride cause wow did I fall, Im officially living the Surfer dream! Of course only after I had paddled my arms off and heart out and had reached the 'perfect zone' my instructor comments how impressed he is that Im not afraid to come out today as there were two sharks sightings an hour previous! My aching body must have overridden any rational thoughts of fear at that time as I thought "Heck Ive made it this far, surfs up dude!" Sorry mom if thats a bit much for you? I would say I was standing on my board for a total of 10 seconds in 2 hours...gotta start somewhere right?! Really Ive been grinning away out there just to be splashing around in all these ways God made for fun and beauty and enjoyment with Him.
So then, back to 'real missionary buisness' its been a bit tough as the house that we have been setting out sights on to purchase was just this week sold out from under us, so back to square one of looking for a new location. Pray for our leaders as I think its harder on them then they let on, to continually pray with joyful expectation when things just seem to continuously coming to a halt. Pray that our whole team can trust in God's better, bigger, wiser plan then just filling our short term vision as I really do think alot of very necessary ground work can be done in this time inbetween to really have a healthy long-term ministry. Pray for a growing unification in vision and in relationship.
We are also having a meeting with a local market tommorow to establish potential conections there to sell the produce from the greenhouse project that is still in the thats exciting! I dont know if ill become a farmer till after christmas, so dont send your pitchforks via post just yet.
It is so clear, despite the initial chaotic scenario here, through all the growing peace inside of me that Christ is answering your prayers. I'm finding indeed that "In him is life, and the life is the light of men" (john 1:4). 
I appreciate every last comment shared as you are so very much involved in undertaking this new journey alongside of me. Courage on your own journey's towards the Light of Life.
Love, Char


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