When it has been a couple years in coming for this entry, I
need a few salty soda crackers and raisins to steady my fluttering heart as I
announce, lets start some serious pumpkin pie baking, Baby Mani is due to
arrive on Thanksgiving Day October 14, 2019!!!
There you are, starting with the best news first, how can I resist?
We are utterly humbled by this gracious gift from the heart of God, this was
his timing, this is his miraculous hand. There was nothing the medical world
could explain for the couple year delay of this hope in our hearts. He turned
it, no one else could. When will this stop feeling completely surreal?
About feelings, my
body so far has been terrific, a few extra chilli peppers and pickles, with a
few more trips to the loo. When asked this last week about mood swings and
tears, I realized, that perhaps after these years of ugly crying out to Jesus
for this blessing, there hasn’t been a day of emotional upheaval since we found
out. I’m pretty sure my tear ducts finally had nothing left to squeeze out. He
really is turning our mourning into dancing, what a kind kind Father we do
have. He brought us through. He will bring you through your winter season too.
We found this wild news out the morning before, here comes
the sad news, we left for South Africa to attend Mawande’s father’s funeral. In
this last few months of deep, deep grief, this green bud of life has,
especially for Mawande, comforted and revived a dream in his heart for redeeming a new
fatherhood story in his family. He was grateful to hear the stories of his
father at the funeral, but greatly saddened by the reality that he didn’t have
any to contribute as his father chose to not be a part of Mawande’s life.
Though he met a whole new set of his father’s family at the funeral that were
so excited to begin a relationship with this long lost son after all these
years. He also found out his
father’s family is from the tribe of the Zulu’s, a great warrior nation. We
await to see what feisty little baby face arrives in October!
home of several that have left for missions, and are so excited to be sending more in the fall! The Holy Spirit is awakening them to his love and life and movement and they just can’t keep it to themselves! He is moving deeply in each one of them, we are just so privileged to be close enough to watch. What must it be like for their parents, wow…I guess we get to find that out someday soon!
As well Housefires has continued to be a great source of
strength for us. As we have had to pass some leadership onto another couple in
our group during this time of travel and greif, we have again been amazed at
the way God is using them and their passions to grow our group into something
new and beautiful in their own giftings and passions. They have been focusing
on biblical stewardship, which has come at just the right time for others in
our group. This community continues to be a dream come true of authentic
fellowship, an answer to our prayers for several years.
Much love and great gratitude for each one of you for your
prayers for this miracle season to arrive, we wouldn’t be here otherwise.
Mawande and Charlene+