Its Confirmed...can you see that twinkly eye?
With a shiney new drivers license in hand, Mawande has undoubtedly got some of my Pa's genes in his need to speed veins!
Whether to grab a jug of milk, a stick of chocolate or just another view of the spotted dog statue on the corner, this husband of mine is out the door before i can say dark with hazelnuts! Watch out Main Street Steinbach cruisers, November is drawing nigh! And let me tell you, his number one passenger is now the official lady of leisure, chair tilted as low as a sunset, I've officially retired to the happiest passenger at last!
We have enjoyed a great last couple months, slowing putting away our summer t's for some long wholly socks which seem to constantly go missing around the Mani household. The beauty of spouses that have the same shoe size!
Ive had my 31st bday! I simply cant believe the brilliant life Ive been blessed to live up to now and to think its only going from glory to glory..with all the guts and gore in between of course! I love getting older, knowing Jesus more, loving him more and in turn, loving myself more. Ive never felt more comfortable to be and accept the rough edges that show my weaknesses as much as those pretty ones that are easy to see so strong and thriving.
Loving myself feels really good. I never could have dreamt I would have been able to be the one write that just a couple years ago. But...for the grace of God. There's really just no other possibility. Receiving his love for me deeper and deeper, thats the secret. The sunny Cape Town skies the limit from there as to how much I can love me and love all of these treasures or people around me. Simple.
As i mentioned the chilly season is upon us, which also means the the rain, the horizontal knee soaking matter how high those boots get! Thus our mother's day gift for our beautiful South African mama was some new sheeting on her roof. A couple neighbors and Mawande's uncle came out to help for the day. Oh and of course our wee nephew Lalam decided it just could be done without him as well! Up he was passed to help his uncle get the real work done from a birds eye view, with a lot of hesitation from this Auntie Charlene who had her auntie eye's on all the live wire crossing just above him as you can see. Lets just say, you know how we get all in a fuss when all the Christmas mini lights go out if one does...try a couple thousand houses all on one power grid?!
I was attempting to cook a little chicken lunch inside, but had to put it on hold as the tin bends in so deep when it is walked upon in certain spots, my head was nearly 'walked on' a few times. Now thats a real headache waiting to happen?!
At the very end of April our church was finally able to showcase their concert that has been in the works for the last 6 months. Practicing every Sunday after church, after singing for a good two hours in church nonetheless, these brothers and sisters of ours have ridiculous raw talent making us so incredibly proud. We had the 'cheekache' for the following day as we could not have been prouder of our family. Let alone their phenomenal soul awakening voices, just to know the stories of transformation in each one of their lives, from hopeless to limitless hope, left us singing those songs for days afterwards. "You are the Piller that holds my life" was one of the refrains that kept rippling on and on through the week. From classic "Sisteract" burgundy gowns and solemn candles flickering to Florescent jump-suite costume changes dancing up a fire, the name of Jesus resounded in our community declaring Love is truly alive! What a day of individual victory and as a church. "So get up off of that chair and dance 'til you feel better"!
And to finish off this fine few months, June 8th was officially the day we were legally married in the court house here. Yes 6 months before we were actually married, but required for visa processing. So Mawande surprised me with a one night mountain flower farm forest retreat!
We literally left the noise behind and soaked up nothing but sunshine with the next cabin a five minute drive away! Solitude. Pear orchard. Proteas dotting the entire mountain side and with the occasional tractor trucking along, we were just whistling our favorite countryside songs! With Mawande being a pyro at heart, we had fires roaring day and night in our little cottage, oatmeal and hot dogs for 2 days. Could it get better? Contentment.
The Oma and Opa that owned this mountainside property also
grew up here.
We had the pleasure of meeting them for a few minutes, people of great peace who love the Lord and his creation and love to share it. Can we all be them when we grow up?
May that same peace of mountain fresh Living Water revive every bank of your heart as you steep yourself deeper into his depth less grace.
The Manis love you and each other...but for the grace of God...